Tag: Apex Legends Pro Player Settings
Treeree, an Apex Legends movement expert, showcases his exceptional gameplay and highlights on YouTube.
His meticulously curated gaming settings and optimized setup enhance his precision and agility, setting him apart in the gaming community.
Explore this listicle for a thorough rundown of Treeree's Apex Legends settings.
Treeree Apex Legends Sensitivity Settings
DPI800 eDPI1600 Polling...
Look no further than Lamic999's well-written tutorial if you're looking for the best Apex Legends settings for using as Wattson.
Lamic999, who is well-known for their proficiency with Wattson's skills, has carefully chosen settings that will greatly improve your gaming experience.
Explore this listicle for a thorough rundown of...
CrazyRachet is a well-known Twitch streamer who is recognized for playing Apex Legends and posting impressive gaming highlights on YouTube. He has gained popularity for exceptional gameplay skills.
If you are curious about CrazyRachet's Apex Legends settings, you have come to the right place, as we have compiled their...
Lemonhead Apex Legends Sensitivity Settings
DPI1000Sensitivity0.7ADS Sensitivity Multiplier1Per Optic ADS SensitivityOn 0.9, 1.3, 1.3, 1.4, 1.2, 1.4, 1.4eDPI700Hz1000AccelerationOff
Lemonhead Movement Settings
Lemonhead Apex Legends Keybinds
Tactical AbilityQUltimate AbilityMBInteract / PickupEAlternate InteractInventoryTabMapMToggle Fire ModeTMeleeBEquip Weapon 1Equip Weapon 2Holster WeaponsXEquip GrenadeGEquip Survival ItemUse SyringeZUse Med Kit1Use Shield CellMBUse Shield Battery4Use Phoenix Kit9
Lemonhead Apex Legends Video...
Movement / Aiming
Custom Look ControlsOnLook SensitivityOFFLook Sensitivity (ADS)OFFResponse Curve0Look DeadzoneNoneMovement DeadzoneSmallInverted LookOffVibrationOff
Niru General Settings
Stick LayoutDefaultInteract/Reload ButtonTap to Use and ReloadCrouch ButtonHoldAim ButtonHoldSurvival Slot ButtonOFFTrigger DeadzonesNoneMenu Cursor Speed80%VibrationOff
Niru ALC (Advanced Look Controls)/Custom Look Controls
DeadzoneUnknownOuter ThresholdUnknownCustom Response CurveUnknownYaw Speed200Pitch Speed200Turning Extra Yaw250Turning Extra Pitch150Turning Ramp-Up Time0Turning Ramp-up Delay0ADS Yaw Speed170ADS Pitch...
Movement / Aiming
Custom Look ControlsOnLook SensitivityUltra High (7)Look Sensitivity (ADS)Ultra High (7)Response CurveLinearLook DeadzoneNoneMovement DeadzoneSmallInverted LookOffVibrationOff
Ayex General Settings
Stick LayoutDefaultInteract/Reload ButtonTap to Use and ReloadCrouch ButtonHoldAim ButtonHoldSurvival Slot ButtonOFFTrigger DeadzonesNoneMenu Cursor Speed80%VibrationOff
Ayex ALC (Advanced Look Controls)/Custom Look Controls
DeadzoneUnknownOuter ThresholdUnknownCustom Response CurveUnknownYaw SpeedUnknownPitch SpeedUnknownTurning Extra YawUnknownTurning Extra PitchUnknownTurning Ramp-Up TimeUnknownTurning Ramp-up...
Extesyy is a top Apex Legends controller movement player. His ability to make precise movements and aim with a controller is unmatched.
He's able to take out opponents quickly and efficiently with his ninja-like movement.
You should try his controller settings and tweak them as per your preference. We made a...
When it comes to professional gaming, few players have made as big of a name for themselves as Rigo "Gent" Padilla. Gent has been playing professionally for years and is currently a member of G2 Esports, one of the world's most well-known and respected teams.
Gent is one of the...
Daltoosh is an Apex Legends pro player. He streams on twitch and also posts insane highlights on his youtube channel.
He also competed against other well-known streamers in the game, such as Taxi2G, Genburten, and others. He is a member of the SoaR gaming.
You should try his controller settings and...
Genburten is an Apex Legends pro player. He streams on twitch and also posts insane highlights on his youtube channel.
Snip3down called him aimbot/cheating when they were playing together and was impressed by his Aiming capabilities. Genburten is one of the players you can watch all day beaming predators...