Genburten Apex Legends Settings

Genburten is an Apex Legends pro player. He streams on twitch and also posts insane highlights on his youtube channel.

Snip3down called him aimbot/cheating when they were playing together and was impressed by his Aiming capabilities. Genburten is one of the players you can watch all day beaming predators with his Red PS4 controller.

You should try his controller settings and tweak them as per your preference. We made a list of Genburten apex controller settings for you. Let’s dive into the settings!

Genburten Apex Legends Controller Settings

Controller Layout: Controller Presets: Customized

genburten controller layout
Stick LayoutDefault
Interact/Reload ButtonTap to Use and Reload
Crouch ButtonToggle
Aim ButtonHold
Survival Slot ButtonON
Trigger DeadzonesNone
Menu Cursor Speed35%

Genburten ALC(Advanced Look Controls)/Custom Look Controls

Outer Threshold3%
Response Curve0
Yaw Speed500
Pitch Speed500
Turning Extra Yaw0
Turning Extra Pitch0
Turning Ramp-up Time0%
Turning Ramp-up Delay0%
ADS Yaw Speed130
ADS Pitch Speed130
ADS Turning Extra Yaw0
ADS Turning Extra Pitch0
ADS Turning Ramp-up Time0%
ADS Turning Ramp-up Delay0%
Target CompensationOn
Melee Target CompensationOn

Genburten Apex Legends Video Settings

Aspect Ratio16:9
Nvidia ReflexEnabled + Boost
Graphics Settings
Adaptive Resolution FPS TargetNone
Adaptive SupersamplingDisabled
Texture Streaming BudgetVery Low (2GB VRAM)
Texture FilteringBilinear
Ambient Occlusion QualityDisabled
Sun Shadow CoverageLow
Sun Shadow DetailLow
Spot Shadow DetailLow
Volumetric LightingDisabled
Dynamic Spot ShadowsDisabled
Model DetailLow
Effects DetailLow
Impact MarksDisabled

Genburten Setup

MonitorBenQ ZOWIE XL2546K
KeyboardDucky One 2 Mini
HeadsetHyper X Earbuds
ControllerBattleBeaver Custom Controller
MousepadBenQ Zowie G-SR

Genburten Audio Settings

Master Volume20%
Voice Chat Record ModePush To Talk
Open Mic Record Threshold1150
Incoming Voice Chat Volume100%
Sound Effects Volume100%
Dialogue Volume50%
Music Volume0%
Lobby Music Volume0%
Sound In BackgroundOff


Do not copy the exact Genburten’s settings; it will ruin your gameplay, but you can use some of his settings and tweak them as you feel comfortable, and don’t forget to Subscribe to his youtube channel.

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